# add project id to the environment variable
export PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config list --format 'value(core.project)')
Build docker images and push to container registry
# authentication for docker# from https://cloud.google.com/container-registry/docs/advanced-authenticationgcloudauthconfigure-docker# build a docker image locally and push to GCP container registrydockerbuild-tgcr.io/ivikramtiwari/website:latest.gclouddocker--pushgcr.io/omni-daeos-runner/website:latest# or just use cloud builds which will automatically store the image in registrygcloudbuildssubmit--timeout2h--taggcr.io/ivikramtiwari/website:latest.# pull image for usagegclouddocker--pullgcr.io/ivikramtiwari/website:latest# -- (double dashes) are used to pass parameters to docker.# If advanced authentication is set up properly, you can skip using # gcloud docker# and just use# docker
# copy files from a VM to localgcloudcomputescp--recursemy-vm://home/vikramtheone1/my-files/./--zone=us-central1-b
# this will de-deup data based on all rows matching each otherCREATEORREPLACETABLE`project.dataset.table`PARTITIONBYtimestampASSELECTDISTINCT*FROM`project.dataset.table`